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New Fairfield Soccer Club

New Fairfield Soccer Club

New Fairfield Soccer Club


February 6, 2000 (Executive Board Approved 6-0)

Article I – Name and Organization

Section 1: The name of this non-profit independent organization shall be the New Fairfield Soccer Club and shall hereafter be referred to as the “NFSC”.

Section 2: The NFSC shall be located in the town of New Fairfield, Connecticut with the following mailing address:

New Fairfield Soccer Club
P.O. Box 8867
New Fairfield, CT 06812

Section: 3: The NFSC shall be affiliated with the North West District of the Connecticut Junior  Soccer Association (North West District), the Connecticut Junior Soccer Association (CJSA), and the United States Youth Soccer Association (USYSA). In doing so, the NFSC is subject to the Constitution and Bylaws of those bodies insofar as they affect the prescribed functions of the NFSC and are not in conflict with the Bylaws outlined herein.

Section 4: The NFSC is organized exclusively for charitable purposes under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Upon the dissolution of the organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Article II – Objectives

Section 1: The objectives of this organization are to: 1) Provide the youth of New Fairfield with an opportunity to play organized soccer on a recreational or competitive level; 2) Promote and develop an understanding of soccer; 3) Emphasize good sportsmanship and the responsibilities associated with team play; and 4) Aid in the development of skilled soccer players for to play in High School and beyond..

Article III- Executive Board

Section 1: The Executive Board (Board) will have the responsibility of managing the affairs of the NFSC. They will be responsible to ensure that rules and regulations are in place that serves to properly maintain an efficient organization. The Board will act as a check and balance to the Policy Committee who has been authorized by the Board to make all league decision except those noted below. Any issue raised by the Policy Committee can be brought to the attention of the Board at the discretion of the President. The following decisions are reserved for and must be made exclusively by the Board:

  • Any scholarship awards
  • Any donation, contribution or expenditure exceeding $1,000.00
  • Club Fees; including without limitation, Registration Fees
  • Any major league change

Section 2: The officers on the Executive Board shall consist of the following 8 (eight) elected positions:

  • President
  • Treasurer
  • Registrar
  • In-House Coordinator
  • Travel Coordinator
  • Fields Coordinator
  • Referee Coordinator
  • Equipment Coordinator

Section 3: Officers shall be elected for a 2 (two) year term limit, beginning

January 1.  However, in order to maintain continuity and ensure the orderly conduct of business, the terms shall be staggered.

The following officers shall be elected in even-numbered years:

  • President
  • Registrar
  • Referee Coordinator
  • Travel Coordinator

The following positions shall be elected in odd-numbered years:

  • In-house Coordinator
  • Fields Coordinator
  • Equipment Coordinator
  • Treasurer

Section 4:

Section 5: Annual elections will be held during the month of August at the General Coaches Meeting for the fall season. Election to the Executive Board is available to any individual who is at least 18 years of age and who has or has had a child in a NFSC in-house or travel program or is an existing board member wishing to renew his/her position on the Executive Board.  Election is accomplished by receiving a simple majority of votes based on the total number of coaches present at that meeting.

Section 6: The Executive Board will appoint a willing and qualified individual to fill any vacancy which occurs during an Officers term for the balance of that term. This appointment will be based on a majority vote from existing Officers.

Section 7: The Executive Board can remove an existing Officer or NFSC member for actions the Board deeds opposed to any NFSC objectives and/or non-performance of positional duties only after the board member in question has been given an opportunity to discuss the relevant actions or alleged non-performance with all other Executive Board members the reason or reasons for the proposed removal. Five Executive Board members must affirmatively “vote to remove” for any removal to occur.  Formal notification must be sent, via Certified Mail, to not only the Executive Board member in question but also to all other Executive Board members.  Suspension from an issue relating to any affiliates listed in Article I section 3 does not automatically suspend the Executive Board member from NFSC.

Section 8: The duties of each Executive Board member is as follows:


  • Pro-actively Oversee the affairs of the club
  • Call and conduct all meeting in accordance with the bylaws
  • Ensure that minutes are taken at each meeting and that an agenda is provided in advance of each meeting
  • Serve ex officio on all committees
  • Ensure the responsibilities of any unfilled Board position are fulfilled
  • Be in charge of all public relations and publicity including such matters as awards
  • Be the principal interface between NFSC and Town of New Fairfield, the New Fairfield Parks & Recreation Commission, and the New Fairfield school system in developing, promoting, and coordinating soccer programs within New Fairfield
  • Represent the NFSC at appropriate community meetings as well as the Northwest District and CJSA meetings
  • Address any concerns raised by the members of the NFSC, their parents or any others


  • Organize, implement and conduct player registrations including advertising
  • Appoint an in-house or travel registrar to help if necessary
  • Attend meetings as required by the Northwest District and CJSA
  • Prepare player rosters and passes as directed by the in-house and travel coordinators
  • Handle all NFSC registration requirements from the Northwest District and CJSA


  • Shall maintain the financial stability of the club
  • Keep a detailed account of the income and expenditures
  • Discuss the financial affairs of the NFSC at each board meeting
  • Prepare any annual reports as required by the Internal Revenue Service
  • Provide the Executive Board an annual operating budget and report to be distributed at the coaches meeting each August based on input from the members

In-House Coordinator

  • Oversee the In-House committee and program and be the main NFSC contact for the in-house coaches
  • Responsible for In-House team assignments, In-House coach selection and training
  • Be responsible for In-House game and practice schedules
  • Ensure that In-House Coaches follow all schedules in reasonable fashion
  • At Fall/Spring coaches meetings, provide In-House coaches with appropriate club information with player rosters and game/practice schedules
  • Appoint Division Commissioners in his or her discretion to assist in any of the above duties re that Division, subject to the In-House Coordinator’s supervision

Travel Coordinator

  • Oversee the Travel Committee and Travel program and be the main NFSC contact for the coaches and the Connecticut Junior Soccer Association re the conduct of that travel program
  • Responsible for Travel team assignments, tryouts, and coach selection and training
  • Maintain Travel home game and practice schedules and instruct the coaches on how to assist with same
  • Communicate with all Travel coaches regarding required Fall/Spring District Coaches’ Meetings
  • At Fall/Spring coaches meetings, provide Travel coaches with appropriate instructions for Travel coaches acting on behalf of the NFSC, club information with player rosters and game/practice schedules and any other information the Travel Coordinator deems appropriate
  • Appoint Division Commissioners in his or her discretion to assist in any of the above duties re that Division, subject to the In-House Coordinator’s supervision

Referee Coordinator

  • Recruit a sufficient number of qualified referees, with the assistance of the Board and anyone else the Referee Coordinator deems helpful
  • Establish training sessions or new or re-certifications as necessary to maintain qualified referees
  • Prepare and maintain referee schedule of all In-House and Travel games and a record of which referees worked each game
  • Recommend to the Executive Board each Fall appropriate Referee fees
  • Coordinate with Treasurer how to effectuate payments to all referees
  • At the end of each season, provide the Executive Board with a summary of overall program performance with a schedule of games worked by each referee and all amounts paid to each referee

Fields Coordinator

  • Responsible for the overall coordination of field usage requirements
  • Submit the appropriate field usage forms to Town officials well in advance of the start of each Fall and Spring season
  • Act as a liaison with the Park and Recreation Commission and the Board of Education on field related issues
  • Ensure that fields are lined and goals are anchored and in place when in use
  • Ensure that all NFSC goals are safely stored when not in use
  • Be responsible to purchase necessary field maintenance items, subject to Board approval of any single expenditure in excess of $1,000
  • Provide the Executive Board an annual operating budget for field related expenses
  • Keep a record of all orders and financial expenditures
  • Has the responsibility to cancel games/practices due to poor field conditions in a timely fashion
  • Maintain the usage of the NFSC Hot-line or similar notification tool re game and practice cancellations

Equipment Coordinator

  • Responsible for appropriate purchasing activities, subject to Board approval of any single expenditure in excess of $1,000
  • Responsible for the NFSC storage shed which may be made available for other New Fairfield organizations, as the Equipment Coordinator shall deem in the best interests of the  NFSC and its members
  • Responsible to order all player uniforms, team balls, coaches’ bags and cones, team goalie shirts and gloves, tournament pins/patches, etc.
  • Provide the Executive Board with an annual operating budget for all the above expenses
  • Maintain inventory of all equipment and a record of all expenditures

Article IV – Meetings

Section 1: A general coaches meeting will be held each August prior to the start of the Fall Season and each March prior to the start of the Spring season at a time and location selected by the President. The purpose of the meetings is to inform all in attendance of Club activities and any major changes to the bylaws or league operations as approved by the board. Also coaches will be given appropriate information for the upcoming season. At the fall meeting, elections will be conducted as noted in Article III, Section 5.

Section 2: Separate board or Policy Committee meetings may be called by the President or upon written request of five members of the Board.

Section 3: All Board meetings shall be open to all adult personnel associated with or interested in any part of the program, but only members of the board may vote. A quorum will be five board members. In the absence of a board member at a meeting, that board member may vote by proxy on a specific issue provided that a specific yes or no vote is delivered to the club president in writing prior to the meeting.

Section 4: Committee meetings shall be called by the Chairperson as deemed necessary to satisfactorily complete assigned responsibilities.

Section 5: Agendas must be published in advance of all meetings by the President and the President must ensure that minutes are taken and distributed to appropriate attendees.  All meetings will be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order unless specifically stated otherwise in these By-Laws.

Article V – Membership

Section 1: Player members – Any youth eligible to play if they meet the requirements of the CJSA, Northwest District and NFSC age requirements. Also, they must have written permission from a parent or legal guardian that certifies that they are physically fit to play. Player members shall have no voting rights or duties or obligations in the administration of the club.

Section 2: General members – Any individual serving the club as an Assistant coach, Committee member or referee. These members have no voting rights.

Section 3: Voting member – Executive Board members and Head coaches. Head Coaches shall have voting rights on all issues presented at the General/Coaches meeting in the Fall and Spring.

Section 4: The board shall have the authority, by vote of the majority, to suspend any member whose conduct is considered detrimental to the best interests of the program as outlined in these Bylaws and the Coaches Code of Conduct only after the member has been given the opportunity to explain his/her actions to the Executive Board at their monthly meeting or, if deemed necessary, an emergency meeting.  Notice of such a right shall be sent, via certified mail, to the member at his or her address of record at least 5 calendar days in advance of such meeting, unless circumstances dictate a shorter method of notification.

Article VI – Committees

Section 1: The Club will have 3 (three) standing committees:

  • Policy Committee
  • In-House Committee
  • Travel Committee

The chairperson of these committees will report on activities at appropriate board meetings

Section 2: The Policy Committee will be chaired by the Club President and include the In-House Director and Travel Director. This committee will focus on policy decisions, the club’s long term objectives and continuously review operations and rules and shall recommend or make changes as they deem fit. They are also responsible to oversee the In-House and Travel Committees. They will interact with the Board as outlined in Article III, Section 1.

Section 3: The In-House Committee will be chaired by the In-House Director and include the Registrar, Equipment Coordinator, and appointed age appropriate Coordinators. They will be responsible for operations of the in-house program and meet as required. The structure of the in-house program will be set by the Policy Committee and implemented by the In-House Director.

Section 4: The Travel Committee will be chaired by the Travel Director and include the Registrar, Equipment Coordinator, and appointed Division I and Division II Coordinators. They will be responsible for operations of the in-house program and meet as required. The structure of the in-house program will be set by the Policy Committee and implemented by the Travel Director.

Section 5: The Board shall determine if other committees are necessary to carry out the objectives of the Club. The President will select the chairperson of such committees who will in turn appropriate members to serve. The chairperson of such committees will report on activities at appropriate board meetings.

Section 6:  The Registrar will appoint a data entry clerk for data entry.  This person will be given an annual stipend of $1,500.00 in order to cover the excessive amount of time needed to enter all data correctly into the system.

Article VII – Amendments

Section 1: The Bylaws maybe amended or repealed by two-thirds vote at an Executive Board meeting or by two-thirds vote at the General/Coaches meeting in the fall and spring. For an amendment to be voted on at a General/Coaches meeting it must have a quorum which will be 50% of voting members.

Article VIII – Operations

Section 1: The NFSC will operate an In-House and Travel Program. These programs will be headed by a director as specified in these Bylaws.

Section 2: The In-House program is considered recreational and involves boys and girls ages 4 through 8. The players will be assigned to co-ed teams within the U5, U6, U7 and U8 age appropriate divisions (all age groups being as defined by the USYSA). If the Board deems it appropriate, recreational, In-House program may be extended through the U10 age group.  Teams will be formed each season and balanced as best as possible to ensure fair and competitive play. Program guidelines and rules will be established by the Policy and In-House Committees.

Section 3: The Travel program starts at U9 and consists of Competitive (Division I) and Recreational (Division II) Divisions. Both boys and girls teams will be formed based upon registration. Competitive team selection will be based on announced tryouts while recreational teams will be balanced as best as possible to ensure fair and competitive play. The Travel program will operate under the guidelines of the CJSA, Northwest District, Policy, and Travel Committees.

Section 4: Player registration fees will be set by the Board.

Article VIV – Scholarships

Section 1: Each year the board shall vote on whether to award scholarhip(s) in June to graduating senior(s) from the New Fairfield High School.

Section 2: The criteria used to determine student scholarship eligibility is on file with the New Fairfield High School Scholarship Committee. They will submit a list of applicants to the NFSC Board for consideration and selection.

Section 3: A check shall be awarded to each recipient of a NFSC scholarship at the New Fairfield High School Achievement Awards Night.  The President should make an effort to attend that function to hand out those checks, if possible.

Article X – Miscellaneous

Section 1: New Fairfield Soccer Club Bylaws were adopted January 1994, amended February 6, 2000. These Bylaws supersede any previous bylaws of the NFSC.  They are being amended again, the    day of August, with the approval of a                of the members of the NFSC at the Fall coaches/members meeting held at 


New Fairfield Soccer Club


February 6, 2000 (Executive Board Approved 6-0)

Article I – Name and Organization

Section 1: The name of this non-profit independent organization shall be the New Fairfield Soccer Club and shall hereafter be referred to as the “NFSC”.

Section 2: The NFSC shall be located in the town of New Fairfield, Connecticut with the following mailing address:

New Fairfield Soccer Club

                        P.O. Box 8867

                        New Fairfield, CT 06812

Section: 3: The NFSC shall be affiliated with the North West District of the Connecticut Junior  Soccer Association (North West District), the Connecticut Junior Soccer Association (CJSA), and the United States Youth Soccer Association (USYSA). In doing so, the NFSC is subject to the Constitution and Bylaws of those bodies insofar as they affect the prescribed functions of the NFSC and are not in conflict with the Bylaws outlined herein.

Section 4: The NFSC is organized exclusively for charitable purposes under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Upon the dissolution of the organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Article II – Objectives

Section 1: The objectives of this organization are to: 1) Provide the youth of New Fairfield with an opportunity to play organized soccer on a recreational or competitive level; 2) Promote and develop an understanding of soccer; 3) Emphasize good sportsmanship and the responsibilities associated with team play; and 4) Aid in the development of skilled soccer players for to play in High School and beyond..

Article III- Executive Board

Section 1: The Executive Board (Board) will have the responsibility of managing the affairs of the NFSC. They will be responsible to ensure that rules and regulations are in place that serves to properly maintain an efficient organization. The Board will act as a check and balance to the Policy Committee who has been authorized by the Board to make all league decision except those noted below. Any issue raised by the Policy Committee can be brought to the attention of the Board at the discretion of the President. The following decisions are reserved for and must be made exclusively by the Board:

  • Any scholarship awards
  • Any donation, contribution or expenditure exceeding $1,000.00
  • Club Fees; including without limitation, Registration Fees
  • Any major league change

Section 2: The officers on the Executive Board shall consist of the following 8 (eight) elected positions:

  • President
  • Treasurer
  • Registrar
  • In-House Coordinator
  • Travel Coordinator
  • Fields Coordinator
  • Referee Coordinator
  • Equipment Coordinator

Section 3: Officers shall be elected for a 2 (two) year term limit, beginning January 1.  However, in order to maintain continuity and ensure the orderly conduct of business, the terms shall be staggered.

The following officers shall be elected in even-numbered years:

  • President
  • Registrar
  • Referee Coordinator
  • Travel Coordinator

The following positions shall be elected in odd-numbered years:

  • In-house Coordinator
  • Fields Coordinator
  • Equipment Coordinator
  • Treasurer

Section 4:

Section 5: Annual elections will be held during the month of August at the General Coaches Meeting for the fall season. Election to the Executive Board is available to any individual who is at least 18 years of age and who has or has had a child in a NFSC in-house or travel program or is an existing board member wishing to renew his/her position on the Executive Board.  Election is accomplished by receiving a simple majority of votes based on the total number of coaches present at that meeting.

Section 6: The Executive Board will appoint a willing and qualified individual to fill any vacancy which occurs during an Officers term for the balance of that term. This appointment will be based on a majority vote from existing Officers.

Section 7: The Executive Board can remove an existing Officer or NFSC member for actions the Board deeds opposed to any NFSC objectives and/or non-performance of positional duties only after the board member in question has been given an opportunity to discuss the relevant actions or alleged non-performance with all other Executive Board members the reason or reasons for the proposed removal. Five Executive Board members must affirmatively “vote to remove” for any removal to occur.  Formal notification must be sent,via Certified Mail, to not only the Executive Board member in question but also to all other Executive Board members.  Suspension from an issue relating to any affiliates listed in Article I section 3 does not automatically suspend the Executive Board member from NFSC.

Section 8: The duties of each Executive Board member is as follows:


  • Pro-actively Oversee the affairs of the club
  • Call and conduct all meeting in accordance with the bylaws
  • Ensure that minutes are taken at each meeting and that an agenda is provided in advance of each meeting
  • Serve ex officio on all committees
  • Ensure the responsibilities of any unfilled Board position are fulfilled
  • Be in charge of all public relations and publicity including such matters as awards
  • Be the principal interface between NFSC and Town of New Fairfield, the New Fairfield Parks & Recreation Commission, and the New Fairfield school system in developing, promoting, and coordinating soccer programs within New Fairfield
  • Represent the NFSC at appropriate community meetings as well as the Northwest District and CJSA meetings
  • Address any concerns raised by the members of the NFSC, their parents or any others


  • Organize, implement and conduct player registrations including advertising
  • Appoint an in-house or travel registrar to help if necessary
  • Attend meetings as required by the Northwest District and CJSA
  • Prepare player rosters and passes as directed by the in-house and travel coordinators
  • Handle all NFSC registration requirements from the Northwest District and CJSA


  • Shall maintain the financial stability of the club
  • Keep a detailed account of the income and expenditures
  • Discuss the financial affairs of the NFSC at each board meeting
  • Prepare any annual reports as required by the Internal Revenue Service
  • Provide the Executive Board an annual operating budget and report to be distributed at the coaches meeting each August based on input from the members

In-House Coordinator

  • Oversee the In-House committee and program and be the main NFSC contact for the in-house coaches
  • Responsible for In-House team assignments, In-House coach selection and training
  • Be responsible for In-House game and practice schedules
  • Ensure that In-House Coaches follow all schedules in reasonable fashion
  • At Fall/Spring coaches meetings, provide In-House coaches with appropriate club information with player rosters and game/practice schedules
  • Appoint Division Commissioners in his or her discretion to assist in any of the above duties re that Division, subject to the In-House Coordinator’s supervision

Travel Coordinator

  • Oversee the Travel Committee and Travel program and be the main NFSC contact for the coaches and the Connecticut Junior Soccer Association re the conduct of that travel program
  • Responsible for Travel team assignments, tryouts, and coach selection and training
  • Maintain Travel home game and practice schedules and instruct the coaches on how to assist with same
  • Communicate with all Travel coaches regarding required Fall/Spring District Coaches’ Meetings
  • At Fall/Spring coaches meetings, provide Travel coaches with appropriate instructions for Travel coaches acting on behalf of the NFSC, club information with player rosters and game/practice schedules and any other information the Travel Coordinator deems appropriate
  • Appoint Division Commissioners in his or her discretion to assist in any of the above duties re that Division, subject to the In-House Coordinator’s supervision

Referee Coordinator

  • Recruit a sufficient number of qualified referees, with the assistance of the Board and anyone else the Referee Coordinator deems helpful
  • Establish training sessions or new or re-certifications as necessary to maintain qualified referees
  • Prepare and maintain referee schedule of all In-House and Travel games and a record of which referees worked each game
  • Recommend to the Executive Board each Fall appropriate Referee fees
  • Coordinate with Treasurer how to effectuate payments to all referees
  • At the end of each season, provide the Executive Board with a summary of overall program performance with a schedule of games worked by each referee and all amounts paid to each referee

Fields Coordinator

  • Responsible for the overall coordination of field usage requirements
  • Submit the appropriate field usage forms to Town officials well in advance of the start of each Fall and Spring season
  • Act as a liaison with the Park and Recreation Commission and the Board of Education on field related issues
  • Ensure that fields are lined and goals are anchored and in place when in use
  • Ensure that all NFSC goals are safely stored when not in use
  • Be responsible to purchase necessary field maintenance items, subject to Board approval of any single expenditure in excess of $1,000
  • Provide the Executive Board an annual operating budget for field related expenses
  • Keep a record of all orders and financial expenditures
  • Has the responsibility to cancel games/practices due to poor field conditions in a timely fashion
  • Maintain the usage of the NFSC Hot-line or similar notification tool re game and practice cancellations

Equipment Coordinator

  • Responsible for appropriate purchasing activities, subject to Board approval of any single expenditure in excess of $1,000
  • Responsible for the NFSC storage shed which may be made available for other New Fairfield organizations, as the Equipment Coordinator shall deem in the best interests of the  NFSC and its members
  • Responsible to order all player uniforms, team balls, coaches’ bags and cones, team goalie shirts and gloves, tournament pins/patches, etc.
  • Provide the Executive Board with an annual operating budget for all the above expenses
  • Maintain inventory of all equipment and a record of all expenditures

Article IV – Meetings

Section 1: A general coaches meeting will be held each August prior to the start of the Fall Season and each March prior to the start of the Spring season at a time and location selected by the President. The purpose of the meetings is to inform all in attendance of Club activities and any major changes to the bylaws or league operations as approved by the board. Also coaches will be given appropriate information for the upcoming season. At the fall meeting, elections will be conducted as noted in Article III, Section 5.

Section 2: Separate board or Policy Committee meetings may be called by the President or upon written request of five members of the Board.

Section 3: All Board meetings shall be open to all adult personnel associated with or interested in any part of the program, but only members of the board may vote. A quorum will be five board members. In the absence of a board member at a meeting, that board member may vote by proxy on a specific issue provided that a specific yes or no vote is delivered to the club president in writing prior to the meeting.

Section 4: Committee meetings shall be called by the Chairperson as deemed necessary to satisfactorily complete assigned responsibilities.

Section 5: Agendas must be published in advance of all meetings by the President and the President must ensure that minutes are taken and distributed to appropriate attendees.  All meetings will be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order unless specifically stated otherwise in these By-Laws.

Article V – Membership

Section 1: Player members – Any youth eligible to play if they meet the requirements of the CJSA, Northwest District and NFSC age requirements. Also, they must have written permission from a parent or legal guardian that certifies that they are physically fit to play. Player members shall have no voting rights or duties or obligations in the administration of the club.

Section 2: General members – Any individual serving the club as an Assistant coach, Committee member or referee. These members have no voting rights.

Section 3: Voting member – Executive Board members and Head coaches. Head Coaches shall have voting rights on all issues presented at the General/Coaches meeting in the Fall and Spring.

Section 4: The board shall have the authority, by vote of the majority, to suspend any member whose conduct is considered detrimental to the best interests of the program as outlined in these Bylaws and the Coaches Code of Conduct only after the member has been given the opportunity to explain his/her actions to the Executive Board at their monthly meeting or, if deemed necessary, an emergency meeting.  Notice of such a right shall be sent, via certified mail, to the member at his or her address of record at least 5 calendar days in advance of such meeting, unless circumstances dictate a shorter method of notification.

Article VI – Committees

Section 1: The Club will have 3 (three) standing committees:

  • Policy Committee
  • In-House Committee
  • Travel Committee

The chairperson of these committees will report on activities at appropriate board meetings

Section 2: The Policy Committee will be chaired by the Club President and include the In-House Director and Travel Director. This committee will focus on policy decisions, the club’s long term objectives and continuously review operations and rules and shall recommend or make changes as they deem fit. They are also responsible to oversee the In-House and Travel Committees. They will interact with the Board as outlined in Article III, Section 1.

Section 3: The In-House Committee will be chaired by the In-House Director and include the Registrar, Equipment Coordinator, and appointed age appropriate Coordinators. They will be responsible for operations of the in-house program and meet as required. The structure of the in-house program will be set by the Policy Committee and implemented by the In-House Director.

Section 4: The Travel Committee will be chaired by the Travel Director and include the Registrar, Equipment Coordinator, and appointed Division I and Division II Coordinators. They will be responsible for operations of the in-house program and meet as required. The structure of the in-house program will be set by the Policy Committee and implemented by the Travel Director.

Section 5: The Board shall determine if other committees are necessary to carry out the objectives of the Club. The President will select the chairperson of such committees who will in turn appropriate members to serve. The chairperson of such committees will report on activities at appropriate board meetings.

Section 6:  The Registrar will appoint a data entry clerk for data entry.  This person will be given an annual stipend of $1,500.00 in order to cover the excessive amount of time needed to enter all data correctly into the system.

Article VII – Amendments

Section 1: The Bylaws maybe amended or repealed by two-thirds vote at an Executive Board meeting or by two-thirds vote at the General/Coaches meeting in the fall and spring. For an amendment to be voted on at a General/Coaches meeting it must have a quorum which will be 50% of voting members.

Article VIII – Operations

Section 1: The NFSC will operate an In-House and Travel Program. These programs will be headed by a director as specified in these Bylaws.

Section 2: The In-House program is considered recreational and involves boys and girls ages 4 through 8. The players will be assigned to co-ed teams within the U5, U6, U7 and U8 age appropriate divisions (all age groups being as defined by the USYSA). If the Board deems it appropriate, recreational, In-House program may be extended through the U10 age group.  Teams will be formed each season and balanced as best as possible to ensure fair and competitive play. Program guidelines and rules will be established by the Policy and In-House Committees.

Section 3: The Travel program starts at U9 and consists of Competitive (Division I) and Recreational (Division II) Divisions. Both boys and girls teams will be formed based upon registration. Competitive team selection will be based on announced tryouts while recreational teams will be balanced as best as possible to ensure fair and competitive play. The Travel program will operate under the guidelines of the CJSA, Northwest District, Policy, and Travel Committees.

Section 4: Player registration fees will be set by the Board.

Article VIV – Scholarships

Section 1: Each year the board shall vote on whether to award scholarship(s) in June to graduating senior(s) from the New Fairfield High School.

Section 2: The criteria used to determine student scholarship eligibility is on file with the New Fairfield High School Scholarship Committee. They will submit a list of applicants to the NFSC Board for consideration and selection.

Section 3: A check shall be awarded to each recipient of a NFSC scholarship at the New Fairfield High School Achievement Awards Night.  The President should make an effort to attend that function to hand out those checks, if possible.

Article X – Miscellaneous

Section 1: New Fairfield Soccer Club Bylaws were adopted January 1994, amended February 6, 2000. These Bylaws supersede any previous bylaws of the NFSC.  They are being amended again, the    day of August, with the approval of a                of the members of the NFSC at the Fall coaches/members meeting held at                                                         


New Fairfield Soccer Club
PO Box 8867 
New Fairfield, Connecticut 06812

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